Are you stuck at home due to COVID 19 or else jobless then you are at the right blog because I am going to share 8 ways of investment which will make Passive income.

The best investment to secure your future,passive income ideas
The best investment to secure your future.

One of the most important things I want to tell you is subit your email so that I can give you advanced knowledge for free which no one will give you for free. 

Everyone in this world wants to become successful and rich but very few of the people can able to become successful people. 

The only thing which differentiates a successful person from an unsuccessful person is the use of money.

Rich people always invest money and enjoy their life from that profit whereas unsuccessful person always enjoys his earning and do not save and invest his money.

Where should I invest my money? To solve this problem I have written this Blog about 7 Best investment which will give you passive income.

    Car rental

    This type of passive income is recently popular in many European countries and as well as in Canada.

    #What is car rental?

    So basically what people do in this type of income is either they buy a car or lease that car and then rent that car.that rent will cover all the expenses which he had to spend.

    #How to invest and grow your business?

    If you are trying to invest money in this type of income than I suggest that you should invest in mid rage car or else big van. This way chances are higher that you will get more easily your Clint. 

    Also if you are interested in having a high-end car then I think you should have a partnership with marriage department because in marriage people are searching for a high-end car for their function and also people are searching for transport department for big car/van this way if anyone in need of vehicle the marriage department will give your favor.

    Property Investment

    # What is Property Investment?

    In 2021 to be very clear if you are investing in retail property like Home or shop it will be profitable but not much profitable which I am going to say now.

    Before diving farther into let me be clear what actually a property investment actually is so in property investment is buying property and using that getting sable and passive income.

    SO if you are ready to spend more money and time you will ultimately get more return instead of just giving it on rent.

    1. You can start a glossary store instead that is a much more profitable model to generate high income at low risk.
    2. You can start a franchise that is not in your area for example if there is no pizza shop in your area you can start a franchise of it.
    3. And if you are ready to invest more money and work you can open your own restaurant or entertainment place so that you will get more profit from it.

    Now, this is just a tip of the iceberg and if you want to know more about property investment you can do one this comment down below your doubt so that I will make a separate detailed blog about property investment that carries A to Z information. 

    Also do not forget to submit your email to get more useful premium content for just zero dollars.

    And if you want to make a million dollars in Real Estate and don't have enough knowledge trust me this book is the best to guide you from basic to advance level of Real Estate


    Email marketing

    # What is email marketing?

    Here, every single send to a potential customer could be considered as an Email marketing.

    # Which is the best way of collecting the email list and what should not be done which collecting Email list? 

    • One of the biggest problems is that the email list will not be of your topic this way you will get less conversion.
    • Most of the time it happens that if you get an email list from third party sources most of the emails are dead emails or else fake.

    E-Mail marketing is a business model of sending commercial ads or Messages to a particular group of people By using an email list.

    Here I highly support that you should develop your own E-mail list rather than buying or taking it from third party sources.

    The reason why I am saying that you should develop your own email list is that most of the time if you buy or get an email list from a third-party source you will face the following problem.

    Now here most important question have which is the best way of generating an email list.

    Here before telling more about the Email list let me tell you are not running a business, you are making a brand e.g, people are not being expensive cloth for there quality they are buying their cloth for the brand.

    Similarly, I recommend you to build a social media network like an Instagram page or blog post and collect Email from there this way you will have more clearly that which topic your email list is more responsive and more than that those people know you and trust you so they will buy your product without thinking.

    And if you want what are the different ways of monitoring your email list and a separate detail blog on email marketing then its easy and free just comment down below about your query and submit your email 

    So that whenever I upload premium content for free you will get notified first.  

    Affiliate Marketing

    It is one of my favorite way of earning and one of the tricky ways of earning this is the type of earning in which you need to depend on some source to get traffic to sell your product. 

    One of the best things which I like about affiliate marketing its conversion rate believe me I have seen some Youtuber and blogger earning 10,000$ and more just in a day.

    And affiliate marketing is not just limited to youtube or blogging there is an endless way you can do affiliate marketing like from Instagram, Facebook, email marketing, etc,.

    If you want to know more about affiliate marketing them I have the best video which will give you full knowledge about affiliate marketing. 
    This series of videos will teach you how to become zero to hero so if you are interested then there is no tomorrow you should watch this video now.

    Dividend stocks

    In this crucial time of COVID 19, I understand the reality that it is difficult to save enough money to invest it somewhere. 

    # What is Dividend stocks?

    Here, A Dividend stock is a payment to shareholders that is made in shares rather than in cash. The stock dividend has the advantage of rewarding shareholders without reducing the company's cash balance. These distributions are generally made as fractions paid per existing share.

    Here it is necessary to know that if the company wants they will not give dividend profit to there shareholder it is possible in some country.

    And if you want to know A to Z about Dividend stocks here I have a perfect blog that will help you ( Coming soon ). 

    Also, you want to know more about the stock market and investment then I have a perfect book that will make your mindset like a millionaire.

    Get paid by an app

    Yes, it is a dream come true now this is possible you will get paid by an app the only thing you have to do is just download that app and that app will run in the background and will share your activity to other company.

    if you are like a person you just care about money rather than personal detail then I bet this app is for you.

    if you don't want to do anything out of the norm, check out Neilson Digital. You simply download the app and do what you normally do. The app runs in the background and you are entered to win rewards. Simple, easy way to get money for nothing! Download the app here.


    Youtube is that field which has become nowadays super competitive and as well as super-profitable so if you have a talent and something unique I bet you will get supper successful in youtube 

    But the only thing you have to keep in mind is that youtube is the game of trust and passions if you have both then I bet that you are going to be successful.


    • Google Adsense
    • Affiliate Marketing
    • Product Promotion
    • Launching Product

    There are some player in youtube market which are making almost more then a million in just a month so I hope that you get my point and if you want to know more advance knowledge for youtube contact me bu clicking contact bar I will give you advance youtube tips that no blogger on youtube has given you.

    And the best part is I will give you for free so go to the contact bar and say I want a youtube advanced free course I bet you will not regrate it.